On 19-20 November 2021, the 42nd Informative Two-Day Pediatric Conference was held in Thessaloniki, along with the 3rd Nursers’ Day of the First Pediatric Hospital of AUTH, the Ippokrateio General Hospital as well as the Pediatric Society of Northern Greece. The two-day event was organized by CONVIN, and it took place in a hybrid mode, i.e. either online or by physical presence of those who had a vaccination or disease certificate, at Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
The selection of topics and speakers was specifically designed to meet the educational needs of the modern pediatrician in relation to the pandemic and pediatrics in general, whose developments are not limited to current conditions, according to the welcome of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, D. Zafeiriou, Professor of Pediatric Neurology - Developmental Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The conference was considered successful thanks to the presence of distinguished scientists, as well as the lectures included in the scientific program of the event.